Fred Dickey's Island
of Human Drama
A novelist who believes every life is an adventure.
Stories With Faces is a new book available on Amazon as paperback, hardback or Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Stories-Faces-Tightrope-Next-Door-People/dp/0692989153/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519592131&sr=8-1&keywords=stories+with+faces
Also available on Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/stories-with-faces-fred-dickey/1127566888?ean=9780692994221
Fred Dickey is a popular columnist who writes about 'ordinary' people with compelling stories that bring smiles, and sometimes tears. He is a former top editor of major metro newspapers, a novelist, and a Pulitzer nominee.
Editorial Reviews:
Written in Dickey's engaging style, this is a page-turner of a story that includes an interview with a young man who killed two students and wounded 13 when he was 15 years old....Fantastic package. World class journalism.
--Judge's comment for Society of Professional Journalists
Wow. That was an amazing story--beautifully, beautifully told. Took my breath away at the end. Very artfully done. Bravo.
--Syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post
Just saw the episode you were in on Forensic Files, and I just wanted to say you're a fantastic writer. Really enjoy your work.
--Scott Stewart, Raleigh, N.C.
You're an incredibly gifted writer. Your stories are uplifting/encouraging/inspiring and usually bring tears to my eyes.
--Brad Quick, Escondido, Calif.
Your story was delightful and heartwarming. You are an amazing story teller.
--Sue Pace, Carlsbad, Calif.
Your column today was masterful. Simple but powerful. People like Mr. Camacho (and you) help make the world beautiful.
--Ken Turek, San Diego
Reader Reviews on Amazon (All 5 Stars):
I’ve been a fan of Fred Dickey since he first started writing a Monday morning column in the San Diego Union Tribune several years ago. The first question my friends and co-workers would ask on Monday morning was, “did you read Dickey’s column?”
The columns Dickey has compiled in this book are about people, some famous, some not so famous, who have interesting accomplishments, but mostly just ordinary people. It’s the ordinary ones that he describes in such an evocative manner. It’s the ones who are having a difficult time in their lives that are most compelling. Sometimes it’s because of a serious illness, other times a stroke of bad luck, bad life choices, or even being born into a bad family situation.
Dickey can tell a story! As you read these columns, you learn what these people are going through and come to appreciate what you have. It also changes how you view these people when you pass them on the street. You start wondering how they got into that situation. Dickey explains it.
I’m sure that, as a result of these columns, generous people have come forward to help those in need.
I highly recommend this book. It keeps your interest throughout and leaves you wanting more. I know Dickey has many more interesting stories to tell and hope that he will give us another great book.
Robert Conrad, on January 14, 2018
I found myself reading story after story - really enjoyed Fred Dickey's writing style. I now find myself interested in a person's story whereas before I might have just smiled and walked quickly away without a word. I strongly recommend this very entertaining book.
N. Butsumyo on Jan. 9, 2018
Fred Dickey is personally responsible for writing the stories of those in need or a voice in such a way that we can "feel their pain", and want to help them get a fresh or new start. He is very careful in only telling the stories of those who truly have a need or a story to tell. I love his writing style and am constantly amazed at how he manages to find the people for the stories he tells us. An incredible talent as a writer and story teller!
Ronald Zehr on Dec. 6, 2017
A really good and often fun read! Fred Dickey is indeed a most talented story teller. His book, 'Stories with Faces' which consists of numerous mini-bios is solid proof. Dickey knows how to dab bits and pieces of humor in his telling of the lives of ordinary people. If Mark Twain were alive today, he would consider Fred Dickey to be serious competition. Another thing that's really neat about Dickey's book is that it appeals to all generations. I have solid proof of this. I'm in my seventies now (damn it) and I loaned my copy of Dickey's book to a grandson and he LOVED it too.
Vicky Anders on Dec. 29, 2017
This man is a master story teller. He finds a way into a story and character that is wholly unique and compelling, with a perspective that is wise and cuts to the bone. The book is a gift as is this kind of writing.
Karen Leigh Hopkins on Dec. 12, 2017